Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I have Always Been Concerned for Those With Extremely Large Numbers of FaceBook Friends Who Share Everything With Everyone

This week I saw on Facebook a picture taken of someone who was sleeping in a suitcase.  I also see daily so many who are so lonely...hungry for anyone to accept them as who they are.

So many are at risk because they in their hunger to have one good friend whom they can regularly be with....
Do fun things together...or simply hang out once in a while in the others home...listening to clean music enjoying a lemonade together on a hot and steamy afternoon.

However, since in today's fast society so many are so busy racing to their next whatever...Some really have schedules that they cannot control...

But many make schedules to appear that they are sooooooo  soo busy that others THINK that they are important!

If each one took the time to take regular walks in their neighborhood...with their own spouse, with a friend...or even alone...

If each one taking such a walk...asks Our Lord to place in their path that day...just one aching soul who simply needs to receive genuine smile or, kind words...

GOD always answers quickly this sort of prayer for me....its similar to The Prayer of Jabez who was depressed all his life that he had caused his mother great pain as he was born..for the name he was given was PAIN and this pain he bore until he to called out to GOD saying :

"Lord Bless me indeed,
 Enlarge my territory,
May your hand be upon me keep me from evil that I may not cause pain."

We cause pain in HIS poor little ones when we fail to give such a lonely one a genuine smile...
When we fail to say hello...or Good Morning and GOD Bless you!

When we deliberately on purpose take the time to meet and greet each along our daily paths or streets...
GOD will always reward us infinitely more than we can ask think dream or imagine...

And thus GOD expands your territory and mine just as HE did for Jabez...
As HE Blesses others through us...HE too will Bless you and I through them...for the one who is easy to over look is the one friend who will become our gem...the diamond in the rough...who The Lord needed to use us to polish up!

I will be looking for you along our daily walks hoping that my husband and I one day receive the opportunity to exchange Bright SonShiney Smiles with you!

Amen Amen and Alleluia!

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