Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Fruit of the Poison of Men Not Tithing & Giving Generous Offerings Is The Loss And Confusion of Their Children

The only reason many wives and mothers have had to embrace working outside the home as employees for a pay check is sin of their husbands...fathers of their children.
In some families this sin is more serious than in others.
However in many families the sin that brings their entire family into ruin is their failure to honor God in HIS Holy Sanctuary and with-holding his 10% tithe which belongs to the Lord.
Malachi  3:10 which teaches us 10% belongs to the Lord and what we give over this 10% that God multiplies 30, 60 80 100 fold and far more....infinitely more than we can ask think dream or imagine.
Then after wives go into the work place because their husband father who refuse to honor God with their hearts and by holding his tithes and offerings...
The most innocent become victims.
Their children are left alone as latch key children to find their own way among other youth their peers who likewise if their parents are physically in their home...
They are not spiritually emotionally nor mentally present to their own children.
They come home tired from their jobs and give their children orders to follow and carry out...bring me my.....whatever...and have you done your homework and how about your chores...why are there dirty dishes in the sink and....
I find it sad and intriguing how many Catholics manage to be hired in employment positions of honor such as teachers in Catholic Schools...paid church leaders of many kinds directing the youth of others...but their own teen age sons and daughters struggles they are oblivious to because since when they come home they are tired and used up...
Their own sons & daughters lack the relationship with their own mothers and fathers that they so much hunger for and deserve.
And if the mothers never had to leave the family home for employment the mother & father would have stronger marital relationship with each other...
And both would have stronger relationships with their own children.
Whoever you are where ever you are...if you have lost touch with your own sons & daughters for whatever reason....
Today take the time to drop in on your teenage son or daughter unexpectedly...maybe go shopping at his or her place of employment ...
Surprise him our her with your smiling loving heart and maybe a small gift just to say  "I love you".
Maybe to you can open a Facebook and send them a friend request...and get involved mentally, emotionally and spiritually in their lives.
Sure some youth will not allow their mothers and fathers into their hearts...some will as 11Timothy Chapter 3 prophesies will divide their mothers and fathers and we whose adult children may fall in this category...we must continue to pray for our children but cannot give them or anyone power over us....we cannot give into anyone's impure choices.
But love the sinner without condoning the sin.
And even if we cannot immediately see the fruit of our gestures... reaching out to our own & our neighbors young ones will always have a positive affect in their lives and the lives who see what you say and do....for there is always unexpected monkeys observing me and you!
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

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