Friday, December 14, 2012

Anyone Who Insists On Being Vulgar In Their Dress Language or Behavior....Can Expect to Be Caught On Camera and Become The Latest Uncovered Vilan On THe World-Wide Blogs

William & I have been thoroughly amused at the crazy behaviors of those who cut themselves loose...
Simply hilariously funny all that we had been folks do in both the Bohnigs and Winn-Dixie parking lots to catch a glimpse of the couple everyone is talking about...
He walks her in and asks for a sample which he blesses and breaks and shares with her.  Then orders either only 2 or 4 slices of low salt turkey or occasionally ham...
with a deli salad and a sack of rolls...unless they bought the rolls the night before.
They like to hear my dearest call me:  "My Sweetie-Pie" as he tenderly protectively walks me through the parking lot to our van shielding arrogant male gaukers from approaching me with their hands.
But these men & women who wish to have us as friends...they must change how they dress first before we will ever entertain conversation...
Instead of introducing themselves from a natural distance of a few feet away...
They have forced their way by confrontation...
Mary Ernst tried bull dozing us over with her shopping cart in the Bohnigs Super-Market and the big giant RED-Headed Roly-Poly always dressed in royal least one of her garments... has tried backing over me with her metallic colored small car.....more times than I am able to keep tract of....
But her venomous attacks come only once a week before the 5PM Vigil Mass!
I can understand why she is full of such rage...
She set her self up to be grumpy always by driving a vehicle that which the roof or ceiling is not tall enough for her.
She's a big big chunky woman...TALL but her gigantic abdomen weighs her UHGggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg...
Actually dragging her upper body down several inches crunching over her stomach...
Honestly....I am surprised she can rise up to or for any occasion at all...
But why she didn't buy herself a taller car...
But frustrates herself even more each time she ever goes out doors.
I cannot ever imagine her choosing to walk instead of drive and ride....
Soon and very soon....she and the rest...if they change not their aggressive revengeful behavior against us or against any one within our presence they will eventually be caught on EstherStephanada's Camera!
And the only mercy they will be shown is to made the "Uncovered Villain on the BLOGS 5, 6, or 10PM NEWS"
Cameras ROLL'N

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