Friday, December 7, 2012

Your Enemies Will Evaporate Before Your Eyes When You Stand Righteously Forgiving Without Waiting For Others to Apologize

Even if you think you are no good which is never true about anyone.
For Almighty God created you & each one in the unique image of Himself!

Those of us who were created not to be scientists or not to full fill any particular role that you erroneously think is a "higher calling or position" than what you were created to be...

Each if us...yes I include myself among the least of God's creations. 

This is not to say that I look down on myself...though when I was young I considered myself inferior to many...especially inferior to my biological brother Daniel who is like Sean...both of my brothers born after me...though I am older they progressed when I did not.

I remember all my letters to Bishop Stanley Joseph Ott who taught me much on this subject that transformed who I was into who I am now.

Just as you who ever you are and where ever you are or originated from...You too may not understand why you seem to have less self-sustenance to work with as I did...

But rejoice for in you like in me....God can perform greater Miracles within...for the greater the obstacle, the greater a condition or inability...the greater Glory to Almighty God when you or I surrender our whole entire being to HIM.

And so this is why I really cannot take credit for any thing I do....  much of it I do not even fully understand myself.
When HE anoints me & directs me to do something...I try to be immediately obedient and y hands fly faster n the keys than my mind can keep up at times.
So if I took credit for what HE does through me...I would surely shrivel up and die.
For it is HE who is within me...who has already overcome the world of disease and hardships that sin brought into a perfect world....that dispelled or infected what was good and pure which is what sickness and abnormalities from God's original plan and design are...defined.
Keep on smiling in the face of the enemy and he will dissolve and evaporate for you before your eyes!  They will come from 3 directions and flee in 7 or more...
For HE who is in you is not only in front of you clearing your way...but behind you defending you from your jealous enemies who are crude, rude and desire your end...or death...

Though you can not be silent but when HE places HIS words in you you must speak out!

Desires of your death for your Faith and obedience hurts their own flesh by making their own sinfulness more apparent or visible to themselves....

Will only cause their own death not yours...

For anyone walking perfectly obediently in HIS sight...following HIS directions whether studying for HIS Holy Priesthood...or in raising his and own families who HE also created and gave them Himself...
The the devil actually fears these obedient little ones!
The devil is the biggest coward that ever was....for when he committed the first sin in all creation....God cast him down!
So the only tactic the enemy of God has in his hand is wielding your fears that he observes in you against yourself.
God's Holy Word declares that perfect love casts out all fear.  So when ever you feel afraid f anything...
Ask yourself:  Who do I need to forgive?
For perfect love never holds in bondage of unforgiveness anyone...not forgiving each one who offends you in both a minor or serious way...not merely hurts the relationship between yourself and this person who hurt you....but holding grudges or anger hurts both God and they self.
For offense of any kind holds both you and others in bondage...and only when one forgives even before the accused, accuser, or attacker asks for forgiveness do you or I prevent bondage causing fear to grab onto our hearts.

Be careful what you choose for all who find themselves bound to into that bondage got their as a result of poor choices of their own...

All of our words and actions that are pure build goodness, but our own poor choices of any kind place us within a prison of our own making that only repentance within a sacramental reconciliation then doing penance...can break the chains that bind one bound.

Call and make an appointment to see a priest in your area today and if you cannot leave the jails or prisons that hold you in captivity...request the priestly servant of your facility to visit you, that through him God can cleanse and renew you that you can have a new beginning that need not end in eternal death...

Please call that you may be led and with HIS Holy Word and Holy Eucharist be fed...
That eternal life will too await you.

So never be blue but wear blue instead....HE is calling and waiting for you!

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

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